Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 309-312
This case study discusses the use of surgical extrusion as a tangential treatment plan for an upper incisor fracture. A male patient of 20 years old who had fractures to his maxillary anterior teeth came to our department. The teeth were cracked due to a violent injury. The root canal treatment of teeth was done prior to being surgically extruded. In order to minimize injury to the marginal alveolar bone, atraumatic surgical extrusion of the teeth was carried out by softly luxating and extruding to the ideal position. A semi-rigid splinting was done for 2 weeks and complete restoration involving a Richmond crown was set after 6 weeks.
Keywords: Surgical extrusion, Post and core, Richmond crown, Biological width.
How to cite : Anayat S, Malik A, Kumar A, Dhani R, Anjum S, Shafi I, Surgical extrusion of multiple teeth with crown-root fracture rehabilitated by richmond crown: A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2024;10(4):309-312
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Received : 24-09-2024
Accepted : 07-11-2024
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