Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 186-189
A pier abutment is the lone standing abutment tooth between two critically situated edentulous spaces, in a frequently seen clinical situation, a missing first premolar and first molar is seen, which leads to a design where canine and the second molar acts as a terminal abutments and second premolar acts as a pier abutment. This pier abutment acts as a fulcrum which may lead to debonding of the less retentive terminal abutment during function, to overcome this situation a non rigid connector is advised. This paper presents a clinical case report which describes the incorporation of non rigid connector to rehabilitate the pier abutment case in unilateral maxillary and mandibular region.
Keywords: Stress breaker, Pier abutment, Non rigid connector, Keykeyway.
How to cite : Aeran H, Kesavan A, Singla V, Seth J, Breaking the stress using pier abutment - A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2022;8(2):186-189
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Received : 11-03-2022
Accepted : 26-05-2022
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